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Varsity Football

Football News

vwin德赢娱乐 Names Kyle Donahue '14 Varsity Football Coach

日耳曼敦体育学院主任蒂姆·金特任命凯尔·多纳休14为大学橄榄球队的新主教练. Donahue, who has spent the past five seasons working with the Patriots’ offense, becomes the youngest head football coach in the Inter-Ac League.

Matt Dence Steps Down as vwin德赢娱乐 Football Coach

After a 12-year run that included eight winning seasons, vwin德赢娱乐足球总教练马特·丹斯即将卸任. 爱国者队以5胜5负的战绩结束了2023赛季,但在11月9日以14比35输给了宾夕法尼亚大学宪章队. 11. 丹斯以67胜46胜1负的战绩结束了他在爱国者队的任期.

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